Recipients of the award for 2015
Engineers Without Borders group
This year Engineers Without Borders group was awarded:
- Nimrod Polonsky
- Anna Boim
- Bernadette Bouwer
- Carmi BenZaken
- Eitam Shafran
- Gal Avioz
- Lotem Buchbinder
- Matan Segman
- Michael Kuflic
- Michal Kisra
- Moti Ben-Shabatt
- Nachman Malciel
- Ofri Talesnick
- Orit Aviran
- Popi Rajchman
- Rachel Katriel
- Shai Moshenberg
- Tal Dana
- Yael Meyouhas.
This year nine projects were submitted as candidates for the prize.
The prize committee examined the works on the basis of guidelines Outlined by the Fund.
Among the works was particularly unusual project essence and scope, carried out by students who participated in "Engineers Without Borders".
Meskele Kristos project aims to design and implement a water supply system to a school located in a remote village Northern Ethiopia.
After learning of place and environment, it was understood that there is no common structure that can accommodate the collection of water for all residents in the village, so it was decided to build a 2,000-liter tank volume. This container large enough to allow Water household, on the other hand – small enough to empty its current use before the start of the formation of bacteria. In order to reduce costs, concrete was chosen for the containers and PVC for the gutters.
The PDF summary attached presentation brings the group's activities in the project.
The committee was very impressed by the investment from student, volunteer spirit and desire to improve environmental conditions in the most basic: Students not only designed the project, but also physically built the prototype and applied it to this school located in a remote village Northern Ethiopia.
Given the above, the prize committee, unanimously recommends giving the M. Shnabel award this year to this "Engineers Without Borders" students group.
Best regards
Associate Professor
Shlomo Bekhor
Faculty awards center
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