[owt WEE-ahm in-WEH-nee-ahm
owt FAH-kee-ahm]
Where there is a will, there is a way
We announce with pride and pleasure the establishment of the Moshe Shnabel Foundation for the award of scholarships to exceptional students in the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, particularly with respect to the qualities of creativity and innovation in their work.
One student scholarship will be awarded each year to cover the cost of a year's tuition at the Technion.
Students holding a Bachelor's degree from the Faculty will be eligible for selection once every three years. Alternatively, candidates may be holders of a Masters degree.
The candidates for the scholarship and the winning candidate will be selected by a panel of judges comprised of faculty members.
The winning candidate will be chosen on the basis of academic excellence demonstrated during his or her studies in the Faculty, together with a clear demonstration of creativity and innovation in one or more technological, scientific or environmental projects presented to the judges on the committee.
Announcement of the scholarship recipient will be made each year in a Faculty ceremony for the award of scholarships and prizes.
Documentation of the annual scholarship recipient and the
considerations of the judges, together with a description of the
winning project (if submitted) will be displayed on the Foundation's
Internet site together with documentation of the winners in former
Erez Ruck, recipient of the award, 2022